What Is It That People Are Afraid To Say These Days? Mother Jones – Mother Jones

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Heres the latest on the brutal muzzling of free speech in America:

A new Cato Institute/YouGov national survey of 2,000 Americans finds that 62% of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. This is up from 2017 when 58% agreed with this statement.

Thats an increase of . . . 4 percent! Clearly George Floyd and the forces of political correctness have wreaked havoc on American culture.

On a more serious note, polls like this would be a lot more useful if they tried to dive into what people are afraid to say. If its something like Black people are lazy then Id say the increase to 62 percent means that Americans are increasingly wary of expressing racist ideas in public, and thats a good thing. On the other hand, if its something like Class-based affirmative action is a good idea then we might have a real problem. So which is it?

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What Is It That People Are Afraid To Say These Days? Mother Jones - Mother Jones

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