Social Justice Ideology vs. the American Credo of Natural Rights – KMJ Now

Natural Law is the moral underpinning of all man-made law. It is an unalterable, objective, universally binding and eternally valid set of rules that can never be abrogated.

The Founding Fathers embraced the Natural Law when they agreed to these words in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creators with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Founders went on to explain that governments were instituted to secure these rights, not to grant them. The liberties of the people are natural rights precisely because, as Thomas Jefferson put it, they are a gift of God.

Based on this belief, each American is part of a whole and is bound to our society for the sake of the common good.

When acting for the common good, the state does not ignore the welfare of any person.

However, in the past century, there have been ever-growing numbers in academic and political circles that reject the Natural Law and the common good. For them, transcendent values are to be replaced by fleeting tastes; the common good displaced by raw power.

To fully understand this illiberal phenomenon, I recommend to your reading Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identityand Why This Harms Everybody, by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay.

The authors, who embrace the tenets of liberalism, including limitations on the powers of government, development of universal human rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion, reveal the authoritarian tendencies of the cult of social justice and critique its ideological decrees.

These Social Justice warriors, the authors point out, loathe the foundations of Western Civilization. For them, Christianity, liberalism, science and reason, are forms of oppression. They are, in effect, Post-Modernists who reject objective truth as a fantasy dreamed up by nave and/or arrogantly bigoted Enlightenment thinkers. . . . They have replaced traditional religious faiths and secular ideologies with a new religion whose members worship at the altars of identity politics,political correctness,cultural relativism, and critical race theory.

For these radical sceptics, knowledge, truth or morality are culturally constructed and relative products of individual cultures, none of which possess the necessary tools or terms to evaluate the others. Hence, no Natural Law.

They also argue that it is impossible to know objective reality because truth is socially constructed through language and language games and is local to a particular culture, and knowledge functions to protect and advance the interests of the privileged.

To improve the lot of marginalized identities in the United States, the Social Justice movement is dedicated to deconstructing invisible systems of white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, cisnormativity, ableism, and fatphobia.

To achieve this end, they censor language and impose a radical relativism in the form of double standards, such as assertions that only men can be sexist and only white people can be racist, and in the wholesale rejection of consistent principles of nondiscrimination.

As for the sexes, they reject biology and objective truth about men and women and hold that gender and sexuality are constructed by an unjust society.

This Social Justice movement began on college campuses. Radical professors, believing teaching is a social act, have been imposing on students their views to facilitate revolutionary political changes.

Courses in Western philosophy and literature have been discouraged or eliminated because such scholarship is complicit with systemic bigotry.

Core curriculums include diversity requirements. There are courses and departments dedicated to post-Colonial Theory, Queer Theory, Critical Race Theory, Feminism and Gender Studies, and Disability and Fat Studies.

Fat Studies, for instance, attempts to portray negative perceptions of obesity as akin to racism, sexism and homophobia, and it explicitly rejects science.

Students are taught that healthism and nutritionism are forms of fat hatred driven by eugenicists. The evidence that obesity harms ones health is dismissed. Obesity is likened to homosexuality and reasons that just as homosexuality has now been recognized as a natural occurring phenomenon, that does not need a cure, so too must obesity be similarly recognized.

People with Social Justice degrees have been invading government and corporate workplaces. They have been hired as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officers empowered to change a given organizations culture. These officers are the architects and enforcers of soft revolutions, they are inquisitors, seeking incidents of bias and imbalance.

Cynical Theories paints a devastating picture of Social Justice advocates. And if these crypto authoritarians are not checked, they will attain the power to betray the idea of our Republic E Pluribus Unum and strip every American of their natural rights.

George J. Marlin, a former executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, is the author of The American Catholic Voter: Two Hundred Years of Political Impact, and Christian Persecutions in the Middle East: A 21st Century Tragedy. He is chairman of Aid to the Church in Need-USA. Mr. Marlin also writes for and the Long Island Business News. Read George J. Marlins Reports More Here.

2020 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Social Justice Ideology vs. the American Credo of Natural Rights - KMJ Now

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