Political correctness ‘shames’ differing points of views – Daily Republic – Fairfield Daily Republic

Bigotry is the heart and soul of political correctness.

One definition of a bigot is a person who disagrees with your beliefs about any social matter. One who treats others with hatred and intolerance when someones opinion differs from their own. The Urban Dictionary states, a person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

Just as whites can be bigots, so can blacks, browns and yellows.

I have written over time about truth, love, faith the science and purpose of genders and I have written about equality as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed equality to be, only to have the hate and venom of politically correct bigots rain down upon me.

Read the replies to my opinion pieces. Political correctness is designed to shame us into being silent if our fundamental beliefs differ from the politically correct.

We are homophobes, racists or almost any other hateful term. The person who believes in the LGBT agenda is intolerant of any person with any other view. The PC bigot. The same is true if you believe all lives matter, not just black lives. You are called a racist.

Atheists essentially believe their lack of knowledge and faith makes them godlike. Anyone who doesnt believe as they do threatens their conviction that they know all there is to know. If they dont know, no one can know. Faith is a threat to them. They are the worst of PC bigots.

PC is a bigoted strategy to impose false beliefs on others. To silence them in order to advance a special interest. Usually based on a fabricated truth.There is one bigot who claims that all white males are born into privilege. A two-edged PC statement to make white males feel guilty about being privileged when they look at issues of color and gender. What can the white male aristocracy understand about a black womans issues? If he speaks, he is called many names to reinforce the guilt and shame of being a privileged white male.

I recently wrote a personal letter to the editor in which I criticized the Solano County Board of Supervisors for ignoring the tenets of the faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

They arbitrarily declared June LGBT Pride month, without any public input. A politically correct act that ignored their constituents. I reminded the public that these same supervisors on two occasions tried to dishonestly impose taxes on the public by dressing up special taxes as general taxes, cheating the public out of millions of dollars.

I criticized the supervisors, not the practice of unnatural sex. The LGBT supporters replied with hate dripping with the venom of politically correct bigotry.

PC bigotry has been most effective in shaming and silencing the leaders of centers of faith. No one has spoken out for their fundamental beliefs. Look the other way rather than be faithful.

Atheists shame the faithful into silence. Black Lives Matter shame white males into silence. So-called feminists shame women who believe in a childs right to live into silence. Living Constitution advocates shame those who believe in the original intent of the founders into silence. They are out of the mainstream.

Shaming us into silence so that their loudly repeated lies when unanswered will take on the mantra of truth. That is the bigotry of political correctness.

In speaking what I believe to be truth, I have been cursed, hated, threatened and called every bad name possible. Just for having an opinion that did not conform to the politically correct falsehood.

I will continue to speak truth and let them call me whatever they wish. Its beginning to feel good. Would you care to join me?

Murray Bass of Fairfield can be reached at 720-5139 or[emailprotected].

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Political correctness 'shames' differing points of views - Daily Republic - Fairfield Daily Republic

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