Perry: ‘political correctness has to stop’ – Wisconsin Gazette

Texas Gov. Rick Perry says political correctness has to stop, citing the flap over Chick-fil-A and opposition to same-sex marriage as an example.

Perry addressed an event over the weekend hosted by The Family Leader in Waukee, Iowa, aiming to rally Christian conservatives.

He said that when Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy defended the sanctity of marriage, the left went nuts.

According to his prepared remarks, Perry continued: When conservatives are offended by a corporate policy, we simply choose not to give them our business.

He added that offended liberals try to keep everyone else from giving them business.

Perry apparently didnt mention to those gathered the multiple boycotts waged by the Christian right this past year against businesses that endorsed marriage equality, backed nondiscrimination laws or supported LGBT Pride events. The main targets of right-wing boycotts are Starbucks and General Mills.

Cathy said recently that his company backed the biblical definition of family.

That sparked an outcry from gay activists. But hundreds of thousands of customers also jammed the restaurants during Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

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Perry: 'political correctness has to stop' - Wisconsin Gazette

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