Letter: The absurdity of political correctness – Lima Ohio

Apparently, one of the things conservatives like about Donald Trump is his propensity to be politically incorrect. I do believe that as a society we have become overly obsessed with political correctness. For example, why get bent out of shape if someone says Merry Christmas? Does it really matter if a Native American is referred to as an Indian? Islamic terrorism is a real thing, so why bother to deny it.

People often engage in linguistic gymnastics so as not to be offensive and that is what I consider to be the absurdity of political correctness.

Having said this, I think it is important to make a distinction between being political incorrect and just plain bad manners and vulgar behavior. If we are looking to a time in our history when people were less politically correct, it is important to remember that plain, blunt language doesnt need to be vulgar.

When was it ever OK to make fun of a womans physical appearance and refer to her as a fat pig? When was it ever acceptable to mock someone who suffers from a physical disability and put them into a position of public derision? When was it ever proper to imply that a judge could not render an impartial decision because of his ethnicity? When you mock and ridicule people on a personal level you arent being politically incorrect, you are being vulgar and indecent. There is a difference and it is important to recognize the distinction.

James Carr, Celina


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Letter: The absurdity of political correctness - Lima Ohio

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