How to Be Politically Correct (with Pictures) – wikiHow

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Three Parts:Becoming More Conscious of Political CorrectnessChoosing Respectful LanguageSpeaking with Individuals or GroupsCommunity Q&A

"Politically correct" is a bit of a misnomerit isn't about being right, it's about being respectful and considerate. Being politically correct means that you avoid expressions and actions that may exclude, marginalize, or offend a particular group of people. The term first became popular during the 1970s and 1980s.[1] Political correctness has an important purpose: it promotes equality by demonstrating an understanding that all people and groups are valuable to society regardless of race, culture, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.






Check with various communities about what language is appropriate, and what is hurtful.











Apply your knowledge. In conversations or discussions with groups or individuals, remember what you've learned while working on yourself. Your goal is not to knowingly hurt or offend any person or group of people with your language or actions.




Avoid segregating language. When speaking to or about other groups, refrain from unnecessarily using the words "we" or "they." This suggests a separation instead of equality and inclusion.






Focus on valuing diversity. Your first reaction to someone who is different may be confusion or fearso take a deep breath, remember that the other person matters, and let your second reaction be one of acceptance and respect. Work on viewing individual differences as important and meaningful.

What if I want to do the opposite of 90% of this?

wikiHow Contributor

Then you do not want to be politically correct.

What if I don't care that you have 80 genders?

wikiHow Contributor

The main thing is to remember that other points of view are valid as well. You don't need to bend over backwards, but be respectful.

What if a person is using their individuality as a means of getting out of any sort of trouble, such as calling you sexist if you get upset over her literally grabbing your dick?

wikiHow Contributor

Stay away from this person. Grabbing your private parts without permission is sexual assault, and people of any gender have the right to have their boundaries respected. Set clear boundaries (such as "I am not okay with you touching my pants") and reiterate them if needed. If you're getting accusations, say "I'm not okay with people of any gender touching my private parts without permission." Having boundaries is reasonable, and if this person continues violating them, talk to an authority figure about how to deal with this.

What f I don't appreciate being called a homophobic because it goes against the natural laws God has put into His creation?

If you voice an opinion, especially a hurtful one, don't be surprised if other people voice their opinions, too. When you tell people that they're going against God, you're imposing your beliefs onto their personal lives. It's disrespectful to tell other people that their personal lives need to conform to your religious beliefs. Muslims can't stop non-Muslims from eating pork, Buddhists can't shave the heads of non-Buddhists, etc.

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