Forum, July 15: The ironies and the inconsistencies – Valley News

The ironies and the inconsistencies

Now that former Vice President Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee, its time to hold him and other Democratic leaders accountable for some of their outlandish statements.

First, Biden said he fears President Donald Trump will try to steal the election. This is clearly a case of the kettle calling the pot black (no racial innuendo intended), since Republicans suspected Democrats of using loopholes in California election law they crafted as a means of stealing seven House seats in 2018. Biden also expressed fears that Trump wouldnt accept the outcome of the election if unfavorable to him and would have to be ousted by military force. Since when did America become a banana republic where the Constitution is written on a dry-erase board and coups are commonplace? I would remind Biden that his base still hasnt accepted the outcome of the 2016 election.

Biden stated that 15%-20% of Americans are not very good people. Hillary Clintons basket of deplorables all over again? He also tried to delineate peoples race based on how they vote: If you vote for Donald Trump, you aint Black.

And Clinton recently said she couldnt understand why anyone with a working mind and a beating heart still supports Trump. Maybe because myriad preborn children with working minds and beating hearts, many of them Black, are aborted. The Democrats pledge to make America more inclusive applies only to those who are already born. Planned Parenthood is inherently racist, as to both its history and its impact on reducing our nations Black population.

And about this purge of statues, symbols and names associated with the Confederacy and Christopher Columbus? Weve seen it before in Russia, China and Nazi Germany when a culture is erased to make room for a new one. Whats next, renaming the nations capital the District of Political Correctness, along with the capitals of at least two states? Karl Marx took a dim view of traditions of dead generations, calling them a nightmare on the brains of the living and presumably to be abolished. Its happening!



The goal of the Haverhill Entrepreneurial Encouragement Committee is to have fiber-optic network technology, the most reliable long-term option, accessible on every road and highway in town. Expanding high-speed internet is critical for Haverhill to be a more attractive community for families and businesses and to retain our youth. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced its importance for telehealth, education and working from home.

The North Country Council, our nonprofit regional planning organization, has launched a survey to gather information on the quality of broadband services in all towns in Northern New Hampshire. Currently available data is not precise enough to give us the information we need, so this survey is important. Please spend five minutes to take the survey at If you dont have internet, you can call 603-444-6303, ext. 2014, to request a paper survey or to provide your information verbally. You can also request a paper survey by emailing

The Haverhill Entrepreneurial Encouragement Committee, formed after the April 2018 Better Haverhill forum, conducted a business survey that identified the need for improved cellphone and broadband service, and we organized a public meeting last November at Haverhill Cooperative Middle School. The committee then proposed the creation of a town cellphone/broadband reserve fund and, at the March Town Meeting, Haverhill citizens voted to appropriate $50,000 to address this need.

Since Town Meeting, we committee members have been exploring the best options for success. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers in rural areas such as ours. Based on funding availability, the committee is focusing first on broadband while also recognizing that expanded broadband access can also benefit cell access.

Please share this message with all of your friends, especially those who live in Haverhill. The Haverhill Entrepreneurial Encouragement Committee meets monthly, usually the fourth Wednesday, at 6 p.m., and we welcome new participants.






North Haverhill

On Sept. 8, New Hampshire Republicans have a choice to make. We can choose a native son of our state, a former Laconia police officer who joined the Army and rose through the ranks from private to brigadier general, a decorated Special Forces commander who fought for our country and wishes to continue his legacy of selfless service as our United States senator. That man is Don Bolduc.

Or we can choose a man of considerable means who has built a law office empire in his home state of Colorado. A man who is supported by the Washington establishment. A man who has had only a vacation home in the Granite State, only moving here full-time in 2018. That man is Corky Messner.

Consider the times we are living in. Our police are under constant attack, we are experiencing civil unrest in many of our cities, our history is being defamed and the very rights that we as Americans hold sacred are being threatened.

We need to send a strong leader to Washington. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen has shown herself time and time again to be little more than a sock puppet of the Democratic Party, the same Democratic Party that supports and rewards those who seek to transform our noble country into an unrecognizable socialist empire that is theirs alone to control. Republicans and clear-thinking independents need to send a fighter to defeat Shaheen and return honor and selfless service to our congressional delegation. Retired Gen. Don Bolduc is that man. The mission is critical and the time is now. Stand up for our state and our nation. Send a message of American pride and vote for Don Bolduc in the Republican Party primary on Sept. 8.



I have come to the conclusion that the present-day Republican Party is a menace both to the practice of a truly democratic political process and to competent governance. I find this to be the case despite individual, often courageous, exceptions. I do not wish nor does space permit to take this occasion to present a bill of particulars. Suffice it to say that I find the words racist, corrupt and plutocratic describe this party more accurately than does the honorable term conservative. Therefore I pledge to vote for no Republican for state or national office in November 2020, nor for an indefinite period going forward.

Vermonts late senator, James Jeffords, understood the nihilistic tendencies of the Republican Party almost 20 years ago. Accordingly, he declared his independence from said party. I have come to have respect for Vermonts present governor, Phil Scott. In past election years, his efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic could have earned my vote this November, though I do not usually vote for Republicans. But, in my judgment, the menace posed by the Republican Party generally is too great to justify a vote for any Republican. If Gov. Scott were to declare his independence from the Republican Party, then he would have my vote in November.


Springfield, Vt.

Lets take back our stolen democracy. The only way to do this is by voting for a new president who has at least some integrity and political experience. Also, we must vote out as many of the lying, robotic Republican senators as we can.

I fear that it will take years to clean up the financial mess that President Donald Trump has made. But we must start somewhere. We truly dont know all of the problems created and hidden in the White House by Trump and his puppets. But trust me, they will come out in time. And they will affect every one of us. Just remember, in the 2016 presidential election, about 100 million eligible voters did not even bother to vote. Shame on us. So lets make American great again, by getting all Americans to vote.

Do not listen to his campaign ads. They are full of false promises. And do not take his online surveys. Out of curiosity, I answered one just to let him know just how inadequate I thought he was as a leader. At the end it asked me for money, it and would not let my survey go through unless I pledged to donate. I tried to enter $0.00, which is exactly what I thought he was worth, but the survey form would not accept a zero. Needless to say, I quickly left the survey. To add insult to injury, he keeps sending me surveys addressing me as a supporter. I believe this is called attempting a con job.

He is also having his supporters sign waivers saying that if they catch COVID-19 at one of his campaign rallies they will not hold him, or his affiliates, liable. Please, Trump supporters, just think about his intentions here.

Its definitely time to get rid of him. Vote, vote, vote! As Americans, it is our duty.


Springfield, Vt.

I offer the following seemingly simple math problem: Look 2 Listen plus Listen 2 Hear equals Love 4 Life.

My question is, why is it so difficult?



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Forum, July 15: The ironies and the inconsistencies - Valley News

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