Charles H. Bradley III: Chinese Communists weaponized this virus and aimed it at us – The Laconia Daily Sun

To The Daily Sun,

As the Pandemic Pandemonium soon to be known as Virus Derangement Syndrome (VDS) recedes, a blessing is the exposure of the corrosive effect of the political correctness that has infringed our freedom of speech and our perception of political reality. A significant perception is Demolitioncrat and vampire media madness to denounce those of us who know beyond any reasonable doubt, that the Chinese Communist Party, if not intentionally, certainly in a criminally reckless manner manufactured a highly infectious virus; then intentionally allowed Wuhan residents to travel throughout the world, seeding Italy under its Belt & Road international strategy with thousands of Wuhan residents, while restricting travel in China. From Northern Italy, it spread to Western Europe and then the United States. The Chinese Communist Party weaponized this virus and targeted the United States. China lied, people died!

Has it occurred to anyone that the Pandemic Pandemonium occurred directly after the trade agreement President Trump negotiated with the Chinese criminals, not to mention the billions of dollars brought in by the Trump tariffs? Gordon Chang, an internationally recognized expert on the Chinese criminal conspiracy, reminds us that continental Europe repeatedly appeased criminally monstrous dictators, and failed to defend Western Civilization in the 20th century. The cowards of Europe are now kowtowing to China, Iran and Russia. China, according to Chang, has declared war on the U.S.

The above begs the question: what happened here? Rudy Giuliani reports that Dr. Doom and Gloom (Fauci) donated $3.7 million dollars to the Wuhan virus lab after Obama issued an order in 2014 prohibiting giving money to labs investigating viruses, including the United States. Doom and Gloom Fauci supported W.H.O., now known as the Wuhan Health Organization, in violation of the law. He really is Dr. Death.

After all else fails to get President Trump, including the FBI and DOJ planting spies in the White House, Dr. Death from the Deep State shows up with catastrophic fake epidemiological computer modeling predictions based on garbage in and garbage out information showing 1.2 million deaths to scare the country into an economic shutdown. In addition, our hospital system was forced to shut down elective surgery to treat the non-existent millions of Covid victims, causing near financial collapse, not to mention the near collapse of our food supply chain! Ladies and gentlemen, its the flu, as more and more doctors are telling us. The fatality rate will be less than 0.1 percent.

Dont believe me. Fine! Do you believe Senator Tom Scott, Senator Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Joe DiGenova and Gordon Chang! Thank God Donald Trump is president of the United States.

As an aside, the dam is about to break on Spygate. Lt. General Mike Flynn will be exonerated soon because the Obama DOJ hid exculpatory evidence of his innocence. John Durham will indict Brennan and, probably, Comey and Clapper for the greatest crime in the history of our country. I know its hard to believe.

Nevertheless, it is time to STAND UP OR GET SHUT UP!

Charles H. Bradley III, JD


Continued here:

Charles H. Bradley III: Chinese Communists weaponized this virus and aimed it at us - The Laconia Daily Sun

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