Are progressives afraid of challenge to their socialist agenda? – Wyoming Tribune

Could America be in the midst of a shift where good and evil are seen as they really are? Have we replaced "censorship" of obscenity with the "censorship" of free thought and speech by "political correctness"? Are "political correctness" buzz words of diversity, social justice, moral relativism and multiculturalism usable decoys of socialism?

Is confusion the purpose behind "identity politics?" Could the reason "Make America Great" is so offensive to many is because it exposes and challenges the agenda to destroy America through socialism? Are we being shown by the Democratic primary that Bernie Sanders is too honest as a socialist, Communist; that powers in the Democrat Party don't want their real agenda disclosed?

Here is just a couple of goals from the 1958 book "The Naked Communist" by Cleon Skousen: Goal 40, Discredit the family as an institution, encourage promiscuity and easy divorce; and Goal 27, Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible.

Another Communist goal manifesting in public education and reinforced by the media has been to give our children a collective, socialist mindset so that they will be dependent on the government. How many know Karl Marx was the originator of Communism and the environmental movement, that Earth Day is Lenin's birthday, all while communist China is one of the Earth's worst polluters?

Has it become obvious that liberal math is addition for liberal progressives and subtraction for everyone else? Could the scamming of consumers, students and voters actually be challenged by people pursuing the truth? Although progressives preach democracy, freedom and utopia, is not their practice totalitarian socialism, which destroys real freedom, and the market economy, which has brought prosperity?

Ironically two things (among others), that I remember traveling in Russia and Ukraine in 1993 shortly after Communism supposedly collapsed was a shortage of food and toilet paper. What if, rather than jumping on the media's fear bandwagon that's pushing panic and chaos, we choose to know the Prince of Peace, giving us the ability to discern the real situation and calmly respond with wisdom (Proverbs 3:5-8)?

The rest is here:

Are progressives afraid of challenge to their socialist agenda? - Wyoming Tribune

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