What Collin Peterson Is Up To (2019-11-20) – Pop Top News

Our team has conducted some detailed research on Collin Peterson, current as of 2019-11-20. Collin Peterson is a politician in Minnesotas 7th congressional district. Heres their handsome photo:

Twitter activity: As of 2019-11-20, Collin Peterson (@collinpeterson) has 3973 Twitter followers, is following 632 people, has tweeted 199 times, has liked 144 tweets, has uploaded 20 photos and videos and has been on Twitter since February 2010.

Facebook activity: As of 2019-11-20, Collin Peterson does not appear to have a Facebook account.

How popular is Collin Peterson right now? On Google Trends Collin Peterson had a popularity ranking of 1 ten days ago, 1 nine days ago, 3 eight days ago, 0 seven days ago, 1 six days ago, 1 five days ago, 2 four days ago, 2 three days ago, 2 two days ago, 1 one day ago and now has a popularity rank of 0. So in the recent past, they were gathering the most attention on 2019-11-10 when they had a rank of 3. If we compare Collin Petersons popularity to three months ago, they had an average popularity of 0.6, whereas now their average popularity over the last ten days is 1.2. so by that measure, Collin Peterson is getting more popular! But in any case Collin Peterson cant be considered an extremely popular person, at least as of 2019-11-20, since they have a rank of 0 on at least 1 day.

And what about how Collin Peterson has fared if we consider the entire past 3 months? Our date indicates 2019-10-31 to be their most popular day, when they had a relative rank of 100. Not bad!

We found suggested searches for people looking up Collin Peterson include Collin Peterson (duh) and Congressman Collin Peterson.

As of 2019-11-20, our research indicates that people searching for Collin Peterson are also searching for these related terms: jeff van drew, rep. collin peterson, collin peterson mn, collin peterson impeachment vote and collin c. peterson.

We did some more tiring analysis today on the web sentiment regarding Collin Peterson, and found a number of recent news articles about them. I may update this post when I have analyzed more of them.

Do you have anything youd like to share on Collin Peterson as of 2019-11-20? Let us know in the comments! (And keep it civil)

1954 Quiet Valley Lane, Van Nuys CA 91405818-904-7708jerry@poptopnews.com

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What Collin Peterson Is Up To (2019-11-20) - Pop Top News

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