The sites and apps to avoid on Ada Lovelace Day

As we celebrate women in science, technology, engineering and maths on Ada Lovelace Day, has gathered together a list of websites and apps to avoid, for Ada's sake.

HeTexted Created by Lisa Winning and Carrie Henderson McDermott, HeTexted is a site where you can upload screengrabs of text messages you've been sent. Having done this, other "unbiased" visitors to the site can vote on whether "he's into you" or "he's not into you". If you don't trust their responses, you can "ask a bro", including the "Dude Whisperer" Mason or "kind-of-a-douchebag" Ben; brutally honest Tim, nice guy Chris and "hit-me-up-ladies" Brian.

The site reads like a particularly depressing Carrie Bradshaw column. Highlights include Lostlady who tells her beau "Love you", he responds "awe", she then underlines her love with the astronomically confusing "to the moon and back and around the Milky Way", and he responds with a smiley and "Please bring an iPhone car charger". Lostlady, you don't need a website to tell you that he's not into you.

As for MissyG, you are onto a winner with Matt, whose first text to you after meeting him was "Imax polars narrated by Meryl Streep!!" along with a picture of a polar bear with her cubs.

Rack Stare Ted Nash might be an impressive budding entrepreneur, but he has produced some Ada-antagonising apps. Rack Stare is a game that challenges players to stare at a woman's breasts without getting caught. This is because it's been scientifically proven that "looking at boobs for at least five minutes a day is good for your health". The game's key adversaries are "smoking hot" ladies in tight outfits. Due to the fact that they are attractive and in tight clothes, "your head unavoidably turns in her direction as you're trying your best not to stare too inconspicuously". You have to "please your eyes with her mouth-watering rack" as long as you can without being noticed.

Lady Popular As RockPaperShotgun put it, "Finally! A game for ladies". Lady Popular acknowledges that icky games with guns, exploring and monsters simply aren't doing it for women. Lady gamers want more appropriate gaming mechanics such as unlocking a boyfriend and changing hairstyles. The city it's based in offers thousands of opportunities such as going to the mall, beauty salon or going to parties at clubs to find the perfect guy. The height of ambition is taking part in fashion catwalks to prove you're the most popular. Players can level up by buying items you like from the mall, dying their hair according to the prevailing fashions, keeping their weight in the ideal range, and finding a boyfriend. Boyfriends come in all professions, so make sure you bag a rich one -- car washers will only give you $50 per day, which won't buy you all the things you like in the mall.

Unilad If you aren't already familiar with Unilad, it's where banter goes to die. It's an agonising process: its what happens when Jeremy Clarkson's jeans accessorise themselves with a low-cut v-neck and Homme Wild, before mangling themselves in the engine of a Subaru Impreza. So you don't have to visit the site yourself, the highlights are thus:

Chubby girls: they need loving to "Why do lads pass up the chubster for someone equally unattractive so very often. It is a mystery that continues to plague the conscious of mankind (sic), as the benefits of these lovely young (and occasionally old) ladies are so clear to the sober mind."

Top 5 breakup lines A heartfelt guide to ditching a girlfriend including "you look like shite" and the "witty and truthful" classic, "It's not you, it's me. It's me who fancies your older sister."

The history of priming the vag "The Middle Ages was just a fucking boring time for everyone. The only way a man could entertain himself was priming and penetrating Vag. With so much disease, death and poverty around the only light of hope for men emanated from the hymens of fruitful virgins."

Continued here:

The sites and apps to avoid on Ada Lovelace Day

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