Got a Tech Conundrum? #AskWSJD For Help

In our inaugural #AskWSJD video, we answer @DailyDanMilanos question about app availability for people who want to abandon the iPhone for Android or another mobile platform. Watch the video above to see our reply.

Going forward we want to hear your deepest and darkest tech questions. Nothing is too stupid to ask! Here are some ways you can send us your questions:

1. Vine or Instagram Video. Record your question on video via Vine or Instagram and tag it #AskWSJD.

2. YouTube or other video sites. Upload your video to YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo or any other video service and tweet us the link at @WSJD or email the link to us your video questions concise: 15 seconds or less, or you will be chopped!

3. Email. Email your video to us at one of the above addresses, and again, mind that 15-second rule.

4. Twitter. If you are really camera shy, you can just tweet us your questions (or email them to the addresses above). Just remember the #AskWSJD hashtag. Well be on the lookout.

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Got a Tech Conundrum? #AskWSJD For Help

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