Brain-O (II) Section 5 – The Not So New World Order – Video

12-05-2012 09:16 This film is an epic production that deals with the subtly of the adversary of all mankind; satan. It doesn't matter if you call yourself a Christian or an agnostic; we all have the same adversary if the final goal of that person is to do great harm (death) unto you. The adversary uses some of yours and my favorite things to subliminally (a synonym of the word subtle) advertise beliefs to us. I will show you marketing techniques that use sex and/or theologies to sell you. Whether it is subtle displacement, product placement, or theology placement they (the marketers) are trying to "sell" you. The Bible makes it clear; you either serve God or the Devil. God declares you are a child of Light or a child of darkness, a sheep or a goat, and a wheat or a tare. Marketing is a part of every facet of our society. From the time a child is born, they are marketed. New age visualization, astral projection, and disgusting sex acts are placed in commercials, sitcoms, talk shows, and even in children's cartoons. If you can stomach the length of this film you will be stronger than most. Do not let the images you see in this film frighten you...unless you don't know the Lord. Section 5: "The Not So New World Order" The "new world order" is not new at all. Watch traitors to the United States and other countries around the world sell their own people out at a chance to be in the utopian society they are striving to create. Spread it video were possible.. Upload is best way! Created by ...

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Brain-O (II) Section 5 - The Not So New World Order - Video

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