Thrilled with med school – The Spokesman-Review

Aug. 17 was a special day for anyone who loved Dr. Elson Floyd, visionary president of WSU who literally made a medical school for the Inland Northwest a reality. It was the day we welcomed the 60 students accepted into the first class of our new medical school.

Every wish for success goes out to these students, dedicated to primary care in the underserved areas of Washington. People like me who searched for years for a diagnosis for this serious illness, only at last to find that the proper diagnosis was a difficult to identify and treat terminal condition called pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) resulting in certain death if untreated and a long, slow decline to death if identified and treated.

As the founder and still leader of the Inland NW PH Support Group, composed of patients, medical personnel, caregivers and community supporters, I can tell everyone that we are thrilled to have the doors open to our new medical school. We will cheer the potential for a new crop of doctors, dedicated to people like us.

The only thing to make us happier would have been to have Dr. Floyd with us to celebrate.

Dr. Linda Pall


Published Aug. 24, 2017, midnight

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Thrilled with med school - The Spokesman-Review

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