Virtual meetings offer tips, strategies to cope with Covid-19 –

HAMPTON, Iowa Sometimes too much of a good thing can be stressful. Due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, couples and families may be facing a surplus of quality time. So what can couples do to manage all of this togetherness?

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be providing a series of short virtual meetings over eight weeks with information and suggestions to help couples thrive in this new reality. The information presented will be based on ELEVATE a relationship education curriculum developed by the National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Network.

Human sciences specialists and staff with ISU Extension and Outreach will be leading meetings every Wednesday, beginning Aug. 19 through Oct. 7, from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. During each meeting, the specialists will review a different tool couples can immediately use to improve their relationship during this challenging time. Each 30-minute training will be offered through Zoom.

The following topics will be discussed.

Aug. 19: Introduction This session will reinforce some things you likely already do for your relationship and learn about and practice new skills which can further enrich the quality of your relationship.

Aug. 26: Empower By taking care of your physical, emotional and spiritual needs, you can better care for the relationship with your partner.

Sept. 2: Lay the Foundation Relationships require nourishing in a consistent and conscientious manner. Even during COVID-19 challenges, what makes the difference are the intentional choices each partner in the relationship makes every day.

Sept. 9: Enlighten Being enlightened requires couples to be in the know with each other. This is an ongoing process.

Sept. 16: Value Showing you value your partner means you focus on the positives of your partner and the relationship. Expressing the positives is like making deposits in your partners emotional 'bank account.'

Sept. 23: Attach Research shows couples who interact in loving ways and maintain these efforts do much better over time in their relationships. Essentially, it is the couple sharing of themselves, with each other, and together that contributes to the wellbeing of their relationship as a couple. Because of COVID-19 many couples are finding they now have more physical time with each other. Couples can use this time to develop a close friendship, nurture positive interactions with each other, build a meaningful sense of couple identity and spend meaningful time in each others presence.

Sept. 30: Tame Its not the conflict thats the problem, its the way the couple manages the conflict that is related to couple satisfaction and stability. How couples manage negative emotions, soothe physiological responses, create positivity in the relationship, accept differences, use forgiveness, adopt a willingness to accept influence, empathize and work together can lead to successful and effective conflict management.

Oct. 7: Engage Being connected is an essential part of a healthy relationship in normal circumstances, but during COVID-19 this need has become even more prominent. During this time couples can learn to draw strength from others, look for meaning and purpose, and reach out to others and their communities, albeit virtually in many cases. In doing so they can help themselves, their relationship, and their communities to be resilient.

To register, visit Information about access to a unique Zoom room will be emailed to registered participants prior to each program.

Other resources available include Iowa Concern, offered by ISU Extension and Outreach, provides confidential access to stress counselors and an attorney for legal education, as well as information and referral services for a wide variety of topics. With a toll-free phone number, live chat capabilities and a website, Iowa Concern services are available 24 hours a day, seven days per week at no charge. To reach Iowa Concern, call (800) 447-1985; or visit the website,, to live chat with a stress counselor one-on-one in a secure environment.

211 is a free, comprehensive information and referral line linking Iowa residents to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs. This service is collaborating with the Iowa Department of Public Health to provide confidential assistance, stress counseling, education and referral services related to Covid-19 concerns.

This article was submitted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.


Virtual meetings offer tips, strategies to cope with Covid-19 -

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