64% of Men Don’t RTFM Before Calling Tech Support [Tech Support]

Gadget Helpline, a UK tech support service, found that well over half of their male customers didn't even bother to read the manual before calling tech support. C'mon guys, is that the best we can do?

Apparently, only 24% of females don't read the manual before picking up the phone. Good on you, ladies. Apparently you're far less lazy than us when it comes to reading.

We guys are worse at figuring out the easy stuff, too. 12% of male callers needed to do something stupid to fix the problem, like plugging the item in or turning it on, versus 7% of female callers.

We're also much less pleasant to talk to. Even through the average female customer spends 33% more time on the phone than the average male, 66% of the helpline staff said they preferred talking to female callers.

Of course, I know that all of you male readers fall into the category of never reading the manual and never having needed to. But still, we could be doing better. [BBC]

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