Tree Planting

tree planting
Photo by Chijo Takeda from Friends of Trees

Friends of Trees is an excellent organization in the Portland, OR metro region that focuses on bringing people together to plant and care for trees. Between 1989 and today, Friends of Trees have planted over 390,000 trees in the Portland region. As a casual bicyclist, I have witnessed the work of Friends of Trees along the I-205 Freeway bike path. I was able to recognize their work because of the signs they put up around the trees that signify their plantings.

Friends of Trees have also partnered with the City of Portland and the Oregon Department of Transportation with a goal to plant 33,000 yard trees and 50,000 street trees citywide as well as more freeway tree plantings like the ones I've witnessed near I-205.

Trees have an enormous impact that benefits property owners as well as the environment. According to Friends of Trees, a homeowners property value can increase by as much as $7000 from a tree (presumably a full grown tree) which could also lift nearby neighbors property values as well. Trees also have the added benefits of intercepting pollutants and keeping stormwater runoff from polluting rivers.

One really useful resource they have is the Neighborhood Tree Planting Program where you can register with the website and purchase trees for 70% off what a contractor would pay for plantings in your neighborhood.

All around this organization is doing really good work that helps build livable communities, cleaner air, and cleaner rivers in the Portland Metro area. Check them out, by following the link to Friends of Trees. If you are thinking about who to donate for before this tax year is over, this would be an excellent choice. Their are also volunteer opportunities listed on the site if you are interested in tree planting and have some extra time on your hands.

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