Nurse with COVID-19 speaks out about experience WGEM – WGEM

A nurse speaks out in her first television interview, after testing positive for COVID-19.

Her experience with the illness is prompting her to share her story with others, in hopes that people realize it takes a community to stop the spread of this virus.

Kathleen Birsic would normally be working at Blessing Hospital, but is in isolation, after testing positive for COVID-19.

As she continues to fight the virus, she wants everyone to know what they can do to help stop the spread of COVID-19 together.

You've tested positive for COVID-19.

"When you hear those words, it just makes it so real," Birsic said. "It was a horrifying moment for me and I'm sure anyone else in the public, who is battling COVID as well."

Birsic is isolating in her bedroom. She tested positive for COVID-19 last Thursday.

"It's so much worse than anything I've ever had," Birsic said.

Birsic is a nurse in outpatient surgery at Blessing Hospital.

She said her symptoms started shortly after she was tested.

"I started feeling this funny feeling in my throat," Birsic said. "I didn't think anything of it. Within an hour, that funny feeling developed into a, I don't want to say a sore throat, but more of a tightness around my throat."

She began checking her temperature every hour.

"By 4 o'clock I had 102.4 fever," Birsic said.

She also said she feels weak and has a cough.

Now, Birsic has a message for the public.

"Despite what you might think, what your political views are, or how you think this virus started or what your opinion is about masks, we're all in this together," Birsic said.

Birsic, a 56-year-old woman who considers herself physically fit, is now suffering from COVID-19.

It's something she said nobody should ever be ashamed of. She said the only shame is not doing your part to help stop the spread of the virus in the community.

"The disease does not discriminate against anyone," Birsic said. "We have to work together. That's all I will say."

Birsic said she's on day seven of isolation and treating her symptoms with Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

Officials at Blessing Hospital say 24 employees have contracted the virus since March and four nurses are currently out of work, after testing positive.

Birsic said her best advice is to stay in touch with your primary physician, after testing positive to monitor your systems.

She said she plans to return to work, once she is done isolating and has shown no symptoms for 72 hours.

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Nurse with COVID-19 speaks out about experience WGEM - WGEM

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