Here’s how the new COVID-19 workplace hotline works – KESQ

Riverside County Public Health has launched a new hotline for coronavirus workplace concerns.

"We first opened this new number for businesses and employees to call last Monday," Brooke Federico with Riverside University Health System told News Channel 3. "We've already taken hundreds of calls," she added.

If you're concerned about COVID-19 spreading at your workplace you can either call (951) 955-5950 or email to

"These are contact tracers who have specific information for businesses related to outbreaks at businesses," Federico said.

Some questions this hotline will answer are: Who needs to get tested? How to clean and sanitize the business. What additional safeguards are needed?

Federico said what this hotline is not meant for.

"This hotline is not for reporting businesses that may be operating outside the state's current orders," she said.

That call would actually go to a separate hotline here: (951)-351-6866

If you do report a business to that line, we asked Federico, what happens next?

"The county would then follow-up and provide an in-person visit to that business just to explain and do the education piece with that business," she said.

If the business still doesn't comply

"We will then involve our county's council office and that may include a cease and desist order or additional court action," she said.

Federico told us the county is currently working to combine these two business numbers so they will eventually be one number to call.

"And because of understandably the potential for confusion is why we want to do one business inquiry line," she said.

News Channel 3 will let you know once that line is ready.

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Here's how the new COVID-19 workplace hotline works - KESQ

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