This Week in Coronavirus: July 31 to August 6 – Kaiser Family Foundation

EveryFridaywerecap thepast week inthe coronaviruspandemicfrom our tracking, policy analysis, polling, and journalism.

The United States remains among the worlds leaders in daily new case reports as the countrys total cases approaches 5 million with over 160,000 deaths. In the midst of this reality, the school year is beginning across the country with decisions about in-person attendance versus virtual learning continuing to roll in. The total number of deaths per day are now over 1000, reaching 1500 and 1800 on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

As cases continue to climb, this weeks Chart of the Week compares the United States per capita case rate to those of other countries that have opened their schools for in-person attendance and finds a big disparity with the United States having a much higher rate of community spread.

Most parents prefer opening schools later to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission, with two-thirds of mothers and half of fathers preferring such delays. Some members of KFFs polling team wrote about this gender gap and how mothers are reporting more strain due to stress from the pandemic.

Global Cases and Deaths:Totalcases worldwide approached 20millionbetweenJuly 30 and August 6 withan increase ofapproximately1.8millionnew confirmed cases.There werealsoapproximately40,800new confirmed deaths worldwide during the period, bringing the total to nearly 715,000confirmed deaths.

U.S. Cases and Deaths:Total confirmed cases in the U.S. approached 5 million this week.Therewas anapproximateincrease of 388,600confirmed cases betweenJuly 31andAugust 6.About 7,300confirmed deaths in the past week brought the total toover160,000confirmed deaths in the U.S.

Race/Ethnicity Data:Black individuals made up a higher share of cases/deaths compared to their share of the population in32of 49states reporting cases and33 of 44states reporting deaths as of August 3.In 7 states (MI, TN, MO, IL, KS and ME) the share of COVID-19 related deaths among Black people was at least two times higher than their share of the total population.

Hispanic individuals made up a higher share of cases compared to their share of the total population in 35 of 46 states reporting cases. In 6 states (NE, WI, IA, MN, TN, and SD), Hispanic peoples share of cases was more than 3 times their share of the population. COVID-19 continues to have a sharp, disproportionate impact on American Indian/Alaska Native as well as Asian people in some states.

Originally posted here:

This Week in Coronavirus: July 31 to August 6 - Kaiser Family Foundation

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