August 2 update: The latest on the coronavirus and Maine – Bangor Daily News

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Twenty-three more cases of the coronavirus were reported on Sunday, according to state health officials.

Sundays report brings the total coronavirus cases in Maine to 3,958. Of those, 3,535 have been confirmed positive, while 423 were classified as probable cases, according to the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

New cases were reported in Cumberland (5), Hancock (7), Oxford (1), Washington (1), Penobscot (2) and York (5) counties, state data show. Information about where two cases reported wasnt immediately available.

The statewide death toll stands at 123.

Heres a roundup of the latest news on coronavirus and its impact in Maine:

Theres no expectation that all Maine students will return to school buildings full-time in the fall. But just the fact that the state has given the green light for all schools to reopen highlights Maines unique position in the U.S. when it comes to the coronavirus. Matthew Stone, BDN

Decades of disenfranchisement are at the heart of the uneasy choice facing Black voters, one of the Democratic Partys most important voting groups. Widespread problems with mail-in ballots during this years primary elections have added to the skepticism at a time when making Black voices heard has taken on new urgency during a national reckoning over racial injustice. Corey Williams, The Associated Press

As Maines wild blueberry growers step into overdrive to rake and process the states banner fruit over the coming weeks, they are also trying to quickly give coronavirus tests to the migrant workers who come from out-of-state each season to provide the industry with critical manual labor. Charles Eichacker, BDN

Mount Desert Island Hospital said Friday that its only recently recorded its first positive test results in several months, and that its heard from out-of-state visitors who were tested in their home state but didnt receive their results which were positive until they had arrived in Maine. Eesha Pendharkar, BDN

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins blamed Democrats on Friday for not accepting a last-minute one-week extension of $600 in weekly unemployment insurance benefits after the Senate left for the weekend before reaching a deal on a coronavirus aid package. Jessica Piper, BDN

As of Sunday afternoon, the coronavirus has sickened 4,646,691 people in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as caused 154,744 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University of Medicine.

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August 2 update: The latest on the coronavirus and Maine - Bangor Daily News

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