Letter: Examining the 10 planks of socialism | Opinion – Victoria Advocate

The father of our Constitution, James Madison, made the observation that most nations fail by small incremental changes from within rather foreign invasions. Lately we have heard rhetoric about socialism. So lets examine socialism/communism according to Karl Marxs 10 planks.

1. Abolition of private property, by applying all rents of land to public purposes. This was the one that needed to be accomplished most.

2. Heavy progressive income tax.

3. Abolish all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscate property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of a national bank.

6. Centralisation of means of communication and transportation.

7. Extension of factories and production owned by the state.

8. Equal liability of all to work.

9. Combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries, redistributing populace over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools, combining education and industrial production.

Karl Marx believed that changing the social order, by force if necessary, may be necessary to effect the changes needed. We are not far from a socialist country, are we. Bottom line is the state owns or outrightly controls everything. In a manner of speaking government regulatory agencies are small scale socialist organizations, some would say tyrannical, because they fill the office of lawmaker, judge and enforcer.

All public servants swear an oath to the Constitution, which is an outline of limited government, established to protect God-given rights.

Think about this, if government only gets money from taxes, borrowing or printing more and you depend upon government to supply your needs, what will that leave you with?


Letter: Examining the 10 planks of socialism | Opinion - Victoria Advocate

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