‘MARCH 4 TRUMP’: About 100 demonstrators gather at Kentucky Capitol – Hopkinsville Kentucky New Era

Saturday afternoons in Central Kentucky are usually reserved for watching college basketball. On this particular Saturday, however, national politics trumped basketball for some Wildcats fans.

About 100 supporters of President Donald Trump gathered on the steps behind the Capitol building in Frankfort one of 49 March 4 Trump demonstrations planned around the country Saturday.

Demonstrators took turns addressing the crowd with a bullhorn to share their personal reasons for voting for Trump. A bugler played Charge during pauses in the impromptu speeches, and demonstrators stopped to say both the Lords Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Many in the crowd were concerned with protecting Kentuckys coal industry. I want the coal miners back to work, said Jay Baumler of Taylorsville.

Others focused on national issues. Orsemus Bitely of Crestwood blamed the Affordable Care Act for causing him to lose his doctor of 35 years.

Shao Guoyin, an immigrant from China, said he is concerned most with providing law and order and education for his children. In China, they brainwash, he said, before calling for the abolition of Common Core national education standards, which he likened to brainwashing.

Tony Sammons brought his family to the state capital from Grayson over the matter of religious freedom. Sammons said he believes Christians have been to made to feel like a minority in recent years. I am tickled to death that we have someone in office who supports Christian values, he said.

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'MARCH 4 TRUMP': About 100 demonstrators gather at Kentucky Capitol - Hopkinsville Kentucky New Era

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