This is Where It All Begins: Futurist Jack Uldrich to Address the Internet of Things and M2M Technology at Verizon …

Kansas City, MO (PRWEB) April 30, 2014

On May 6, Global Futurist Jack Uldrich will continue his series of keynotes being delivered to Verizon's Connected Technology Tour in Kansas City, MO. Uldrich has been selected to scheduled to deliver a series of 12 keynote presentations across the United States for Verizon Wireless on How the Internet of Things Will Transform Business.

The Connected Technology Tour is "designed specifically for public sector organizations, the Tour will explore how machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies and solutions can enable the transformation of government operations and delivery of services by leveraging the power of cloud, mobility and the Internet."

While the majority of things Verizon is promoting on the tour is M2M technology for use by businesses, the applications of such technology are for every day living as well. And be assured, M2M is where it all begins. As one of their highlighted keynotes, Futurist Jack Uldrich points out: "The Internet of the Future will be all around us and we will need to shift our thinking of the Internet from a place you go to a new and much different paradigm of 'living in the Internet.'"

For more of Uldrich ideas take a look at this recent article on the Internet of Things.

Uldrich, a former naval intelligence officer and Defense Department official, also served as the Director of the Minnesota Office of Strategic and Long Range Planning under Governor Jesse Ventura. Uldrich is a renowned business trend expert and the author of eleven books, including: The Next Big Thing is Really Small: How Nanotechnology will Change the Future of Your Business; and Jump the Curve: 50 Strategies to Help Your Company Stay Ahead of Technology, and Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends transforming Tomorrow. He is also the founder and "chief unlearning officer" of The School of Unlearning - an international leadership, change management and technology consultancy dedicated to helping business, governments, and non-profit organizations prepare for and profit from periods of profound transformation.

Celebrated as a national and international speaker and scholar, Uldrichs recent keynotes have been delivered to the Fiatech, the 2014 ATEA Conference, the American Medical Association, TEXPERS, the Idaho Technology Council, Wells Fargo, the Allan P. Kirby Lecture Series at Wilkes University and The Million Dollar Round Table in Kuala Lumpur.

Other clients of Uldrich include General Electric, IBM, Cisco, United Healthcare, PepsiCo, Verizon Wireless, General Mills, the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Pfizer, Healthcare Association of New York, Southern Company, St. Jude Medical, Dressbarn, AG Schering, Imation, Lockheed Martin, Fairview Hospitals, Touchstone Energy, The Insurance Service Organization.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his School of Unlearning website. Media wishing to know more about either the event or interviewing Jack can contact Amy Tomczyk at (651) 343.0660.

Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, best-selling author, editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning website,

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This is Where It All Begins: Futurist Jack Uldrich to Address the Internet of Things and M2M Technology at Verizon ...

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