Illinois Freedom of Information Act – University of Illinois

As of November 2011, all Freedom of Information requests to the University of Illinois administration or any of the three University campuses are processed by the Office for University Relations.

TheIllinois Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) provides public access to government documents and records. The Illinois FOIA notes that it is "the public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act. Such access is necessary to enable the people to fulfill their duties of discussing public issues fully and freely, making informed political judgments and monitoring government to ensure that it is being conducted in the public interest."

The IllinoisAttorney General office websiteprovides details about the act. The site includes an FAQ (frequently asked questions) document written by staff in the AG's office for individuals employed by "public bodies" such as the University of Illinois.

As a state institution, the University of Illinois issubject to the Illinois FOIA. Alog of all FOIA requests is maintained by the Office for University Relations, which manages the FOIA process for the U of I. Requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act, response letters, and responsive documents are themselves public records and subject to FOIA requests.

The University of Illinois provides countless documents and information without the requirement of filing a FOIA request. The FOIA process can be complicated and information can be provided without that step. However, some requestors -- or the University -- may determine that a formal request for records under FOIA is appropriate. In those instances, a thorough reading of the pages listed below will provide helpful information about the process, contact names, and how a request is handled.

For more detailed information, read:

If you have questions, please contact theOffice for University Relationsat 217-333-6400.


Illinois Freedom of Information Act - University of Illinois

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