Letter: Democrats are still the party of slavery – Hickory Daily Record

Did you ever wonder why the Democrats (and their armed militias Antifa and BLM) want to erase history? It's because they own the party of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation, KKK, lynching, poll taxes and literacy tests for voting. Read actual history, not their revisionist version. They remain today the party of oppressing minorities but cleverly disguise it.

Just look at the decay of every big city in America. Inner city neighborhood public schools populated mostly by African Americans are total disasters. Reading and math competency among high schoolers are at fourth grade levels. Yet teachers unions, totally behind the Democrat party, vehemently oppose letting these kids have a choice of schools and a shot at a decent education. (Incidentally, Blacks overwhelmingly support school choice ... their kids do matter.) Crime, especially shootings, is out of control. Gangs and fascist Marxists like Antifa and BLM, are ardent supporters of the Democrat party. They loot, destroy, assault and murder. Democrat mayors call their riotous takeovers the summer of love and do nothing to protect their own law-abiding citizens, their homes or businesses. What's the common denominator among these cities? Democrat rule for decades. How's that working out for the people the Democrats claim to champion?

Layer on Democrats' support of open borders. If elected, Biden pledged to enact amnesty for 25,000,000 illegals (aka Democrat voters,) not to mention giving them "free" health care, college tuition, etc. No one can legitimately argue that this would not exacerbate the depression of wages for American citizens and negatively impact low wage unskilled American workers. Democrat strategy: corporations keep their cheap labor, and the American underclass becomes even more dependent on the welfare state rather than being helped to emerge from poverty.

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Letter: Democrats are still the party of slavery - Hickory Daily Record

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