Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment: Fatigue – Divine Openings

At one point in their spiritual enlightenment and personal development with Divine Openings, some people can hit heavy, heavy fatigue. The place I most get to observe it happening up close is in the 5 Day Silent Retreat, although it can very well happen while reading my book, Things Are Going Great In My Absence if you're really diving deep.

On about day two or three of the silent retreat, many people experience a super heavy, tired feeling, as if they weighed a thousand pounds, which can feel extra heavy since they rightly expect bliss in their spiritual enlightenment retreat. Bliss sometimes doesn't happen till day 5, when virtually everyone feels it.

As some begin to hit that fatigue, I explain that it's a valuable gift I call "the fatigue of the ages" the fatigue that comes on once you let go, after decades of holding on so tight.

We don't know how hard we've been working to hold things back, bury them, carry them, or prop them up.. until we stop. That's contrast for you--you only know cold by knowing heat--you really know the extent of tension after you achieve relaxation. (In a recent blog I talked about contrast being your friend in other ways.)

We feel the fatigue most when the contrast of letting go shows us how hard and painful resisting had been all along. You'll likely feel fatigue after a huge emotional release. Just give in to the fatigue and rest more. This fatigue should move VERY fast, no more than a few days.

If you're resisting a feeling or stuck in the story and can't move it, use the Diving In audios, where I guide you through the difficult feelings to new freedom and energy.

As you read Things Are Going Great In My Absence or do one of the Self-Paced, Online, Spiritual Enlightenment Retreats, before you feel bliss, you may feel this fatigue you never felt before. You must move through this, not resist it or power over it, if you're committed to your spiritual enlightenment, personal development, and total freedom.

After so many years of suppressing, running from, or "working on" old energies but not moving them, lots of people are walking around exhausted but thinking it's normal (everyone else is tired too, right?) and it's only when they begin to let go that they get an inkling of how tired they actually were.

After that comes a new deep relaxation. That first breakthrough from deep fatigue to relaxation and letting go is usually the biggest, and most dramatic shift, so you feel the most relief from it.

You get used to that level of relaxation and it soon feels normal, until you break through to a next, higher level. Let's say you relaxed about money, and it feels like a fabulous new world as money flows easily to you for the first time ever. But there is more to come, in good time, as you let go and relax in other areas.

One day maybe you hit a wall with your spouse, where you realize how much you've been suppressing feelings about relationship (compounded by suppressed or unresolved feelings about relationships all the way back to your childhood.) Intimacy is one of the most desired and feared of all experiences. The defenses can be deep and tender. But this wall you hit is a golden opportunity in your spiritual enlightenment.

You dive in to those feelings because you're committed to your spiritual enlightenment and joy, and you liberate even more of your energy. You feel a whole new higher level of relaxation and vitality after that.

There's no need to go digging for stuff to fix, ever in your personal development. Believe me, your daily life and feelings present to you exactly what you need to feel to unfold your spiritual enlightenment and liberate more energy, if you will just feel it thoroughly, and not resist it... daily .... forever.

We know, darlin', we know! Sometimes that's hard at first--old habits are incredibly strong, blind spots are stubborn, and defense mechanisms are incredibly hard to drop. If you need help breaking through, our Certified Divine Openings Guides can do that.

Once you get rolling, life is just a series of new openings, new openings, new openings. It stops being hard and starts being fun, even joyful.... even blissful at times.

Isn't evolution wonderful?

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Stages of Spiritual Enlightenment: Fatigue - Divine Openings

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