Robotics program teaches students to code, build robots – NBC Nebraska

HASTINGS, Neb. -- The robotics portion is just one part of the Hastings College Scholars Academy.

Not only are the students working with robots, they are building them as well and writing code to operate them.

The students are learning type coding they will eventually learn in high school and college.

"It really does like give you more to think about and have you think harder," Genieve Miller, a student, said. "We did a math program earlier that helped program the robots and we all we're like struggling a little bit and we had to think hard."

Officials said the program engages the students on a level they may not get in school.

"I think they often are not given an equal amount of attention to other students, just because they don't need the extra help," Aaron Pierce, the assistant director of the Hastings College Scholars Academy, said. "It makes it much easier for teachers which is perfect, but it means that their individuality isn't as embraced or it's not something they get to work as much with, so we want to do something that is at their speed."

The students love the program.

"We do like typing code where you have to do like certain things, if you forget a semicolon it doesn't work and you have to add it," Miller said. "I've also learned like designing a 3D image on a program Fusion 360." "It was really cool," she added.

Officials said the program is a fun, hands-on experience that builds the next generation.

If you're interested in enrolling for the program next year, instructors said you should be able to find out more information on the Hastings College website in December.

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Robotics program teaches students to code, build robots - NBC Nebraska

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