Now, robots to battle COVID-19 – The Hindu

A challenge can also be an opportunity is how the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) views the current cycle of COVID-19 infections in Kerala.

The government nodal agency for entrepreneurship and incubation activities has launched two robots developed by startup firm Asimov Robotics to spread awareness about arresting the spread of the virus. One of the robots also distributes face masks, sanitizers and napkins for better cough hygiene.

At the KSUMs Integrated Startup Complex at Kalamassery, the other robot screens detail about the World Health Organisations campaign to contain the pandemic.

Asimov CEO Jayakrishnan T. said a general public apathy towards preventive measures against COVID-19 prompted the solutions-provider company to go for such a drive

.The use of robots in the campaign has invited public attention, also considering the propensity of Coronavirus to spread though human contact, a communication said.

All startups being incubated at KSUM, too, are being given health guidelines in the context of COVID-19, KSUM Chief Executive Officer Saji Gopinath said.

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Now, robots to battle COVID-19 - The Hindu

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