Kevin Spears: It looks like there is a push to diminish Black communities – Havelock News

Grew up in Wilmington; elected to city council in November

WILMINGTON -- More than a century after the 1898 Massacre, during which a mob of white supremacists overthrew the biracial government and murdered dozens (perhaps more) of Black residents, some argue the Black community has never fully recovered from the damage it did and the inequality it enshrined in Wilmingtons way of life -- inequality that they say remains in the DNA of the citys institutions and culture.

Kevin Spears grew up in Wilmington and was elected to the Wilmington City Council in November.

This is what he had to say about where things currently stand for Black residents in Wilmington, and what needs to happen to make Wilmington more inclusive.

What are your thoughts about the current state of Black people living in Wilmington?

I think that the current state of African Americans here has shown very little movement. Im sure there is some evidence of growth but Im certain that there is more evidence of immobility or some steps backward. I want to see a noticeable progression of Black people in my city.

Over the past 25 years, Wilmingtons population has grown and overall prosperity has increased. How have African Americans here fared during that time?

It seems to me that African Americans have not fared too well during this period of growth. Again, there may be some evidence to support some prosperity, but I think the overall look of it is that we have not been afforded the same opportunities as others. We are also seeing our communities shrinking and disappearing. I believe we are being systematically excluded from the growth.

What has gotten worse for Black people here?

Neighborhoods and the things that we call our own. It seems like we are fighting to remain here. It looks like there is a push to diminish Black communities.

What has gotten better?

I was elected to city council. There are some people who have figured out how to be successful here, but who knows how many tries it took.

What needs to happen so Black people here can achieve full equality, share more in the areas prosperity and have more say in governance?

Opportunity, opportunity, and more opportunity. We need to be extremely intentional about wanting to see everyone thrive here. If we want to really see our city grow, we need to invest in everybody. We need to quit with all of the talking just for the sake of talking. People want action. As for governance, people need to see how their vote works. People complain, the complaints are addressed with words, but people want proof of the issues being fixed.

[Editors note: To read what others had to say about whether Wilmington can again become a place for Black opportunity, click here.]

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Reporter Scott Nunn can be reached at 910-343-2272 or

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Kevin Spears: It looks like there is a push to diminish Black communities - Havelock News

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