Destroy Your Health with Obamacare — Dr. Russell Blaylock – Video

Destroy Your Health with Obamacare -- Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, retired neurosurgeon, author and lecturer gives an insider #39;s perspective on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and calls it for what it is: a corporatist, (ie, fascist/communist) system of, really, anti-healthcare. Alex Jones show infowars prison planet Dr Russell Blaylock medicine doctor hospital obama obamacare health care communism fascism socialism totalitarian rule regime command and control top down oligarchy eugenics hr management of populations human resource sustainable level illness disease de-development destruction of care euthanasia reduced care slashed down budget universal insurance quality plummets socialized persecution of doctors fake charges a system of systemic corruption nazi ussa soviet states of America europeFrom:LibertyTruthJusticeViews:24 3ratingsTime:49:13More inEducation


Destroy Your Health with Obamacare -- Dr. Russell Blaylock - Video

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