MAAFA 21 [A documentary on eugenics and scientific genocide] – Video

MAAFA 21 [A documentary on eugenics and scientific genocide]
This film is not mine. It was done by an excellent team of researchers and filmmakers, whom I encourage you to meet and support, at I encourage each and every viewer to buy a DVD copy of this film and *please support the filmmakers #39; work* by whichever way you can. I am posting this as a means to help spread their powerful information -- this film has not had the visibility that it deserves, and that it must have. Maafa 21 is a documentary on the modern eugenics movement, from its roots in 19th century imperialist Europe and in various post-slavery elitist milieus in America, to the Third Reich and its Final Solution for the "Jewish question" -- the film proceeds on to today, where it exposes the incredible proportions of the culling of Black people by abortion, in 21st century America. "Maafa" is a Swahili word which means "a terrible tragedy", and indeed that is what has been imposed upon millions of eugenical victims across the world, to this very day. Case in point, the African-American population. After decades of enforced slavery in the neo-feudal South, Black Americans went on to become the prime target for US eugenicists. The main vehicle for this was -- and is -- abortion. The documentary follows the life and career of Margaret Sanger, a racist, reactionary feudalist, who created the American Birth Control League to promote the sterilization and abortion of "unfit" people, under the abused cover of "social work" and "charity activity". The motto ...From:EugenicsWatchViews:10 3ratingsTime:02:26:16More inEducation

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MAAFA 21 [A documentary on eugenics and scientific genocide] - Video

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