Nchain and Bitcoin Unlimited Promote Bitcoin Scaling Initiatives Amid Hard Fork – Bitcoin News (press release)

Prior to the bitcoin cash hard fork, research firm Nchain conducted a workshop with the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) team. The intent of the meeting was to signal joint support for new bitcoin scaling initiatives. The two groups explored ways to achieve greater bitcoin scaling in order to grow overall network capacity. They met in Vancouver, Canada on July 26.

Also read: Fork Watch: First Bitcoin Cash Block Mined Included Over 6k Transactions

According to an Nchain press release, the meeting focused on ways Nchain can help enhance the Bitcoin Unlimited protocol. Nchain is supposed to make the software into a certified, next generation version. The software will be rigorously tested for quality assurance. They will eventually release a version intended for mass consumer and small business usage.Stefan Matthews, Chief Executive Officer of the nChain Group, elaborated:

Nchain has confidence in Bitcoin Unlimited and BUs code. With improvements we can provide using nChains expertise, we are also confident that our certified version of Bitcoin Unlimiteds client software will address the needs of enterprise users, especially miners. nChain intends to make this certified version available for usage without charge, as part of our contributions to help achieve a faster, more powerful bitcoin network and exponentially higher bitcoin value for everyones benefit.

With the happening of the recent Nchain and BU workshop, there have been whispers either BU or Nchain has had a connection with bitcoin cash. Dr. Craig Wright of Nchain has already come out and falsified those claims. He also praised bitcoin cash. He said,

I recognize why I am a polarizing figure in bitcoin and understand why so much is written about me on the Internet and social media, even though most online posts are incorrect. The incorrect comments include anything suggesting that I am behind the Bitcoin Cash initiative; I am not. However, I applaud the efforts of whoever is behind Bitcoin Cash to achieve a truly decentralized, peer-to-peer electronic cash with higher, more efficient transaction capacity.

Both teams, however, have a problem with Segwit2x. Nchain supports the 2mb fork increase. However, Nchain claims it is not enough. In staying true to Satoshi Nakamotos original vision, Nchain wants to see larger scaling initiatives for the Segwit fork of bitcoin. Nchain said they will remain open for communication and new research development to help bootstrap bitcoin with more network capacity.

What do you think about this meeting? Will Nchain and BU succeed at scaling bitcoin? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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Nchain and Bitcoin Unlimited Promote Bitcoin Scaling Initiatives Amid Hard Fork - Bitcoin News (press release)

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