Rutgers Astronomy: Serin Observatory Public Nights

; Robert A. Schommer Astronomical Observatory Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Next Public Open Night Thursday, 08 October 2015, 08:30 p.m. EDT to 10:30 p.m. EDT

Status (as of 25 September 2015, 02:45 a.m. EDT): Will be held, weather permitting. If you have any questions, please call 732-735-5483 and leave a message. Your call will be returned.

For general information, please call 848-445-8973 or 848-445-8785 (08:30 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.).

October 2015 second Thursday (the 08th): M13, Vega, Deneb, Albireo, M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, Neptune, and Uranus (near opposition) third Thursday (the 15th): M13, Vega, Deneb, Albireo, M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, Neptune, and Uranus (near opposition) fourth Thursday (the 22nd): M13, Vega, Deneb, Albireo, M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, Neptune, Uranus, and the Moon (waxing gibbous)

November 2015 second Thursday (the 12th): Vega, Deneb, Albireo, M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Neptune, and Uranus third Thursday (the 19th): Vega, Deneb, Albireo, M57, M11, M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Neptune, Uranus, and the Moon (first quarter) fourth Thursday (the 26th): Thanksgiving Day (we will not be open)

December 2015 second Thursday (the 10th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Neptune, and Uranus third Thursday (the 17th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Neptune, Uranus, and the Moon (first quarter) fourth Thursday (the 24th): Christmas Eve (we will not be open)

January 2016 second Thursday (the 14th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Uranus, and the Moon (waxing crescent) third Thursday (the 21st): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Uranus, and the Moon (full) fourth Thursday (the 28th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, and Uranus

February 2016 second Thursday (the 11th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon (waxing crescent) third Thursday (the 18th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon (waxing gibbous) fourth Thursday (the 25th): M31, Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Uranus, Jupiter, and the Moon (waning gibbous)

March 2016 second Thursday (the 10th): Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, and Jupiter (near opposition) third Thursday (the 17th): Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Jupiter, and the Moon (waxing gibbous) fourth Thursday (the 24th): Almach, NGC 457, h & χ Persei, M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Jupiter, and the Moon (full)

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Rutgers Astronomy: Serin Observatory Public Nights

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