I Spy With My Little Eye…

Update:  SOLVED!!

How about a riddle for your Saturday?  I’ll give you some clues, and then post the answer in the comment section tomorrow morning (or sooner, if someone guesses the correct answer).  To be fair to everybody, the answer will be something well known that you will have been familiar with since your childhood.  Ready?

File:Question mark.svg

Although composed of several bodies, this is referred to as one object.

It is visible to the naked eye; in fact, it is an ancient eye test, and can still be used to measure “perfect” (20/20) vision.

File:Snellen chart.svg

This object is often used as a guidepost.

It is mentioned in Homer’s Iliad.

It is visible in the northern skies (north of latitude 25 degrees south) all year.

File:Red and green aurora.jpg

In about 50,000 years, it will be gone.

Do you know to what I am referring?  The first person to guess correctly can choose the subject of my next post (must be about astronomy;  must be researchable).

Good luck!

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