Sensenbrenner Pulls an Inhofe, Asserts Global Warming is an “International Conspiracy” | The Intersection

This speaks for itself:

This is really an inconvenient truth. The President’s science advisor, who is a former Harvard professor named Holdren, is involved in the email scandals and covering up the fact that data has been lost, the fact that contrary opinions to the global warming crowd has been squeezed out of scientific journals – and as a matter of fact – the editor of one scientific journal who published contrary data has been fired. Now this is an international conspiracy. Before we end up transferring trillions of dollars from the pocketbook of American ratepayers to China and India – which is what Al Gore’s global warming treaty proposes to do – then we ought to get to the bottom of this and find out whether this is really science or whether this is a bunch of people with a political agenda that’s cooked the books.

[italics added]

I had thought nobody in the GOP was more extreme on climate change than James Inhofe, who dubbed the idea of human-caused global warming the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.”

But now, in conspiracy-theory-land, Inhofe has a true competitor.

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