It’s Riddle Time (Again)!

UPDATE:  SOLVED by Rob at 1:06 CDT

Happy Saturday to all.  I hope the weather has been nice where you live; I’m having a lovely Indian Summer… the best part of the South/Central United States weather patterns.  Cold nights, mild days, lots of sunshine, and an overall freshness to the air.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could have weather like that more often?

Okay, enough out of me.  Are you ready to tackle the riddle?  I think this one is pretty straightforward, and you should nail it right off.  You will be looking for a thing.

Public image found on PhotoBucket

This thing exists in the real world.

It exists as a single object.

It’s not known for sure if our ancient ancestors knew about this thing.  Maybe… but more than likely not.

There is a subtle, but recognizable beauty associated with this object.

That’s interesting, because usually this “type” of object is rather flashy.

This object is something of the definition of its type.

You need to pay special attention to the images.

especially pay attention to this image

How’s that?  You know where to find me!


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