Awesome Library – Science – Astronomy

Provides answers to commonly asked questions about astronomy. 3-02

Provides short descriptions of contributions of key astronomers.

Provides 10 sources of information on astronomy. 2-03

The CERES Project provides educational resources by topic.

Provides resources in astronomy for children. Includes a night sky map, the solar system, ask an expert, and more. 10-00.

Provides an astronomy search engine (in partnership with Google). 8-01

Provides scripts from Jack Horkheimer's television show on astronomy. (Formerly called Star Hustler). 1-01

Provides a description of the virus, as well as common complications arising from it, such as glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis. Known as EBV. Sometimes visitors misspell as Epstene Bar or Barr. 9-00

Provides a short biography of the Indian-American Nobel laureate, after whom the Chandra X-ray Observatory is named. 9-00

Provides pictures and information for teachers and kids. 1-01

Includes pictures, articles, and links.

Provides theoretical papers related to the nature of the universe.

"Louis Allamandola and his colleagues at the NASA Ames Research Center have created primitive cells of a sortempty, two-layer membranes (see image)from elementary chemicals, exposed to conditions like those in interstellar clouds. 'Scientists believe the molecules needed to make a cell's membrane, and thus for the origin of life, are all over space,' Allamandola says. 'This discovery implies that life could be everywhere in the universe.' " 12-05

Starts in 1898 with a history of discovery and understanding of the neutrino. 6-01

Provides 10 factsheets related to exploration of space. 3-00

"One of the primary concerns in astronomy throughout history was the positioning of the heavenly bodies, for which spherical trigonometry was required. The diagrams below show trihedrals, polyhedra with triangular sides. For astronomy, V is the position of the observer, and PQR are points on a sphere centred at V, the celestial sphere." 8-05

Provides games for kids to learn more about planets and the sun. Uses Flash software. 6-02

Provides activities and games to encourage children to explore astronomy. 11-00.

Provides classroom resources to encourage students to study science and math through astronomy. 1-01

Provides projects for children, with adult supervision. 1-05

Provides directions for creating a rocket at home, made of paper, a canister, tape, water, and an antacid. 3-00

Provides directions for creating a land rover at home, made of paper, a canister, tape, water, and an antacid. 3-00

Provides 12 activities related to exploration of space. 9-01

Provides 11 activities related to science or the exploration of space. 9-01

Provides activities to help understand science. 3-00

Provides interactive projects in science in topics such as robotics, lasers, earthquakes, space exploration, and DNA. 12-02

Provides 8 projects to build related to exploration of space. 3-00

Provides 10 projects to build related to exploration of space. 3-00

Provides a game for kids to learn the location of states. Uses Flash software. 6-02

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Awesome Library - Science - Astronomy

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