Award-winning researcher and prof has stars in his eyes, will give astronomy talk in Alpine – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Imagine a childhood filled with telescopes, night skies and an ongoing fascination with the stars, planets, and galaxies. Robert Quimby lived it.

Its really all my parents fault. They were both amateur astronomers, so some of my earliest memories growing up are of looking through a telescope, says the professor of astronomy at San Diego State University and director of the Mount Laguna Observatory. We went on lots of star parties, which are basically camping trips with telescopes. I was independently driven, so I learned to star hop around and locate deep sky objects, like galaxies, myself.

On Friday, hell present a lecture highlighting some of the research being done at the observatory, along with some of the nonprofit work being done to reduce local light pollution. His presentation begins at 2 p.m. at the Alpine Library.

Quimby, 45, lives in the College Area with his wife, Mika, and their two girls. Hes received awards for his research and work from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the American Physical Society, and a share of the 2014 Breakthrough Prize in fundamental physics. He took some time to talk about his work, his first impressions of the breathtaking images from NASAs James Webb Space Telescope, and the time he played in a Reel Big Southern California ska band.

Q: In the description for your talk, the San Diego County Librarys website mentions the Hidden Skies Foundation, a nonprofit run by high school students based in Los Angeles, and its work to preserve dark skies for future generations. First, can you talk about light pollution?

A: Any human-made light that shines where it is not needed, is not helpful, or is just generally a waste, is light pollution. This could be a streetlight shining through a bedroom window that gives you a rough night of sleep, although astronomers usually use the term when discussing the light that spills onto the night sky and obscures the stars. No one sets out to hide the stars behind the glare of electric lights, but just as trash collects in our rivers and beaches, the natural beauty of the night sky can be destroyed by light indiscriminately cast by outdoor lighting.

Q: And what is significant about the work to preserve the darkness of night skies? Why does that lack of light in the sky matter?

A: Dark, star-filled skies give us connection to our past and hopefully our future. From a dark site, you might see the same stars that your great-great-great grandparents enjoyed on their first date, or that dazzled our ancient ancestors thousands of years before. Light pollution breaks this connection by hiding the stars. I have seen the thrill of San Diegans glimpsing their first view of the Milky Way while camping in Mount Laguna, and I would say it is worth protecting these views for future generations to enjoy as well.

We have great neighbors where we live in College Area. Several families welcomed us to the neighborhood soon after we moved here, and our kids became fast friends. There are lots of friendly waves when people walk or drive by. And, there are four taco shops within walking distance!

Q: Youve been director of SDSUs Mount Laguna Observatory since 2014. What have you come to learn about the surrounding area over the years and its place in the study of astronomy?

A: The Mount Laguna Observatory sits at 6,100 feet (500 feet higher than our colleagues to the north at Palomar Observatory, but whos counting!), so when the marine layer of clouds sets in in typical May-gray/June-gloom fashion, we are usually in the clear above the clouds. Better yet, the low clouds block some of the light pollution from the cities and make the nights even darker. Being near the coast we also get the gentle ocean breeze, which affords us much sharper views of the stars than the turbulent air further inland.

Q: What drew you to become interested in this area of study?

A: [Astronomy] remained a hobby of mine into college when it came time to decide on a major. I started with engineering since I liked figuring out how things worked, but I gravitated to physics and astronomy, at least in part because I thought the professors were more interesting people. One once plopped down a bunch of rock-climbing gear at the beginning of a lecture then proceeded to talk the whole period without ever mentioning it. He was just doing some rock climbing before class. These extra dimensions of personality really appealed to me.

Q: Why was this something you wanted to pursue professionally?

A: I figured its better than getting a real job. I love solving puzzles, but sometimes, when the puzzle is something you have to do, it can feel a lot like work. As an astronomer, there is a whole universe of puzzles for me to choose from.

Q: Earlier this month, most of us were in awe of the images of galaxies NASA shared from its James Webb Space Telescope. What initially went through your mind as you looked through those images?

A: I was really surprised at how awestruck I was. I have seen Stephans Quintet and the Carina Nebula before, but the James Webb telescope pictures convey them with such power and beauty. They are at once familiar and otherworldly.

Q: And how did you think about what you saw from your perspective as an astronomy professor and researcher?

A: The first images show how much we have been missing. The James Webb telescope offers, quite literally, a new way to look at our universe, and we are starting to see things we have never seen before. It was quite terrifying at times to wonder what would happen to the future of astronomy if this telescope failed; now that it has arrived and is working superbly, I, for one, am elated.

Q: Whats been challenging about your work in this field?

A: Like the universe itself, the field of astronomy is big and growing at an accelerated pace. It takes effort to stay on top of all of the new discoveries rolling in. It is also very competitive at times. Other groups are often working on projects similar to mine, so there is pressure to publish first.

Q: Whats been rewarding about this work?

A: Every once in a while, you make a breakthrough discovery. I discovered a new class of supernovae and later discovered the first supernova magnified by a strong gravitational lens. It is quite a rush when you put the pieces together and realize you have something that no one has ever seen before.

Q: What has this work taught you about yourself?

A: A big part of science is telling the story. We report our findings in scientific journals and give professional and sometimes public talks. I never considered myself particularly good at writing as a student, but I have come to realize that the storytelling is something I enjoy.

Q: What is the best advice youve ever received?

A: For anyone considering getting their Ph.D., take a year off between undergraduate and graduate school and do something totally different. One of my college professors gave me this advice, and it gave me the opportunity to broaden my world view and, ultimately, meet my wife. If, like me, you find academia calling you back, then you will know that graduate school is right for you, and you will be motivated to stick with it even when it gets tough (it will).

Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to find out about you?

A: Before becoming an astronomer, I played trombone in the ska band Reel Big Fish. It has been a while since I last picked up my horn, but I can still say, pick it up pretty fast.

Q: Describe your ideal San Diego weekend.

A: I have never done it before, but I would love to take a staycation at one of the local resorts in San Diego. Ideally, one with entertainment for the kids and relaxation for the parents. Barring that, I would enjoy a weekend featuring a hike in Mission Trails with my family and a trip to a new restaurant one day, followed by a relaxing day at the beach and a barbecue with friends and family the next day.

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Award-winning researcher and prof has stars in his eyes, will give astronomy talk in Alpine - The San Diego Union-Tribune

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