Top Aerospace Engineering Schools in Bridgeport : Programs …

Aerospace Engineering Schools near Bridgeport

Bridgeport, CT (population: 136,604) has four aerospace engineering schools within a 100-mile radius of its city center. Post University, the highest ranked school in this group with an aerospace engineering program, has a total student population of 8,082. It is the 703rd highest ranked school in the USA and the 14th highest in the state of Connecticut (#1 is Wesleyan University).

Aerospace Engineering students from Bridgeport schools who go on to become aerospace engineers, engineers, aviation engineers, etc. have a good chance at finding employment. For example, there are 70,570 people working as aerospace engineers alone in the US, and their average annual salary is $96,270. Also, Aerospace engineering and operations technicians make on average $59,820 per year and there are about 7,940 of them employed in the US today. In fact, in the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk area alone, there are 130 employed aerospace engineering and operations technicians earning an average salary of $65,100. Aerospace engineers in this area earn $83,480/yr and there are ** employed.

Bridgeport lies in Fairfield county, which is one of the 8 counties in Connecticut. Overall, the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk area has 418,180 total employed workers according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a 2% unemployment rate, $28/hr average worker wage, and a $57,340 average annual salary. Thus, about ** out of every 1000 jobs in Bridgeport are held by aerospace engineers, and 0/1000 are held by aerospace engineering and operations technicians.

Of the 4 aerospace engineering schools with a 100-mile radius of Bridgeport, none have a student population over 10k. After taking into account tuition, living expenses, and financial aid, Post University comes out as the most expensive ($23,261/yr) for aerospace engineering students, with Three Rivers Community College as the lowest, reported at only $4,092/yr.

Program ID: 168565

Levels offered: Associates

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Top Aerospace Engineering Schools in Bridgeport : Programs ...

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