Otago collaborates in breakthrough for quantum hard drive

A team of Australian and New Zealand physicists have extended the storage time for a prototype quantum super-computer optical hard drive by over one hundred times.

Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Otago have achieved a major breakthrough, reported in Nature this week, demonstrating six-hour quantum storage using atoms of the rare earth element europium embedded in a crystal.

It has long been hoped that scientists will eventually come up with a way to store data in a state of quantum entanglement for the benefit of ultra-secure communications.

However, at present, such states can only be maintained for a short time before the entanglement fails. The Australian and New Zealand research team has come up with a way to store data for hours, rather than milliseconds. This new breakthrough heralds the worlds first solid state quantum hard drive.

"Quantum states are very fragile and normally collapse in milliseconds. The fact that we have storage times of hours has the potential to revolutionise how we distribute quantum entanglement in a communication network," says lead author Ms Manjin Zhong, from the Research School of Physics and Engineering at the ANU.

Utilising this effect, a quantum communication network could be used for perfectly secure encryption for data transmission.

"Our experiment shows that it is now possible to think of extending the range of quantum communication by storing entangled light in separate memories and then transporting them to different parts of the network," Ms Zhong said.

The team essentially created the ROM by embedding an atom of the rare-earth element of europium into a crystal matrix.

After writing a quantum state onto the nuclear spin of the europium using light, the team subjected the crystal to a combination of a fixed and oscillating magnetic fields to lock the atoms spin in place and preserve the fragile quantum information.

"This prevented the quantum information leaking away for as long as six hours, which is quite surprising," says Dr Jevon Longdell from the Dodd Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies at the University of Otago.

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Otago collaborates in breakthrough for quantum hard drive

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