Computer-navigated knee replacement facility launched

An innovation in joint replacement surgery, computer navigated total knee replacement, has been introduced at Sai Bhaskar Super Specialty Hospitals, Arundelpet.

German joint replacement surgeon Heiko Groichen, who launched the new facility here, said that computer navigated knee replacement would have a 100 per cent precision and accuracy.

With the help of computer, orthopaedic surgeons would be able to determine specific blocks and implant the artificial joints in the knees.

Even as the rate of people preferring joint knee replacement is growing up, Dr. Heiko said that people could still avoid knee pain if they make a consistent effort to lose weight, eat the right nutritional food, opt for physiotherapy whenever needed and follow the advice of doctor.

Obesity and visceral fat

Knee pains are increasingly becoming related to obesity and visceral fat and in European countries, increasing number of men and women above 45 years are opting for hip surgery while in India knee replacement is still a neglected area.

Managing director and orthopaedic surgeon Busireddy Narendra Reddy said that the new computer navigated total knee replacement was the first-of-its kind facility in the State.

Former HoD, Department of Orthopaedics, GGH, Rammohan Rao, said that he had his knees operated upon and added that the recovery was quite good.

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Computer-navigated knee replacement facility launched

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