Return of the rangas as fertility experts call for more red-haired donors –

Following years of doom-and-gloom research suggesting they were a dying breed, redheads are on their way to conquering the world - and the numbers back them up.

Fertility clinics and international sperm donor networks say rangas are in demand from people looking to undergo IVF treatment.

This stands in stark contrast to just a handful of years ago in 2011, when one of the world's largest sperm banks, Denmark's Cryos International, announced it would no longer be accepting donations from redheads.

They claimed there was not enough interest from parents wanting red-haired children.

But now, according to other experts, gingers are back with a bang.

Monash IVF Group fertility specialist Dr Gareth Weston agrees.

"If there are any redheads out there willing to donate, we'd be happy to hear from you," he told A Current Affair.

"We recently had a red haired sperm donor approach us at Monash IVF and his sperm was snapped up by four women within the first month."

Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2017

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Return of the rangas as fertility experts call for more red-haired donors -

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