Red-heads | Define Red-heads at

[red-hed] /rdhd/ IPA Syllables

British Dictionary definitions for red-heads Expand

a person with red hair

a diving duck, Aythya americana, of North America, the male of which has a grey-and-black body and a reddish-brown head

Word Origin and History for red-heads Expand

mid-13c., from red (adj.1) + head (n.). Red (adj.), of persons, "having red hair" is from late Old English.

Encyclopedia Article for red-heads Expand

(Aythya americana), North American diving duck (family Anatidae), a popular game bird. The redhead breeds in marshes from British Columbia to Wisconsin and winters as far south as the Yucatan Peninsula. Breeding males have a round, red-brown head, gray back, and dark breast and tail; females are uniformly brown. Both sexes have light gray bands visible on the rear of the wings when in flight. The population has declined in the east as a result of destruction of the brackish marshes that provide its preferred forage plants. Redheads nest in tall vegetation quite close to water, although some females parasitize the nests of other ducks. Not easily disturbed, the redhead benefits from the wariness of the American wigeon, with which it often feeds

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