White Nationalism Has Taken Many Forms

Dear Mr. Reader:

White nationalism has taken many forms, from the blatantly racist to the freedom movements, a scope that includes journalism, a form with which you have some familiarity. All profess their preference for a White society and the way it was racially before 1965, yet none, absolutely none, have strategized a plan to achieve it. The enclosed booklet does that.

The problem of achieving a White nation in North America is compounded by those who are action oriented and may have the inclination to proceed with a plan, being obsessed with ideology, one that has no attraction for the vast majority of White voters who want nothing to do with racial supremacy or anti-Semitism. I am hoping that you are one that sees the absurdity of this predicament, and are willing to make the modicum effort to circumvent it. The only solution to our racial demise is racial partition. Freedom movements, anti-Antifa, anti-Semitism and conspiratorial revelations are all valid efforts, yet they do nothing to achieve a White nation. On the other hand, if that were achieved, especially if it resulted in a White nationalist government, we would be surprised at how quickly all such anti-White aberrations would disappear. Such efforts are diversions from what should be our real objective - the establishment of a White nation. So let’s keep our thinking straight. Achieving White nationhood should be every White nationalist’s political priority.

I am a Canadian living in Canada, watching my race and heritage disappear as I dwell in this multicultural la-la land, while the great neighbour to the South, the backbone of our Western world, adopts the liberal stance that has turned Canada into a world-class racial melting-pot. Not only are racially mixed neighbourhoods sufficient in Canada, the push is on for actual racial mixture, evident now in business commercials involving Black-White couples, that have become the norm even in bedroom scenes. This is a development in business commercials occurring just over the past year, in all media, much of it targeting the young generation. Not a decibel of resistance can be heard, an indication of how a racialist movement is pretty hopeless in this country, although several have been tried in the past. The most serious we currently have is the French Canadian separatist party, the Parti Quebecois, that nearly separated Quebec in 1985, but even that is a cultural nationalist party, not racial nationalist, that is idiotically tolerant of Haitian migrants into Quebec because they speak French.

I would take up the ORION challenge myself, despite my approaching 84 years, if not for being foreign to the United States and have no right, legal or otherwise, to initiate an organization for the electoral capture of the American Congress and White House, as the booklet scenario requires. The only bright spot in this picture is the on-going racial division in America, that can be utilized for White nationhood, but presently only with the cooperation of Black, Hispanic, possibly native Indian, organizations that have national aspirations of their own. Our most rewarding strategy, therefore, would not be a purely White nationalist endeavour. The booklet gives that required strategy, which I think is obvious for a country that is a bare majority 58% White and can no longer achieve a purely White federal objective democratically. In addition to the racial percentage, within that 58% is a large number of liberals who would like nothing better than to see a ‘no race’ country. To balance this disadvantage, it is Black and Hispanic nationalism that would ironically give hope in a presidential election of producing a racial-nationalist government, and the possibility of using that majority for legal partition. What other option do we have? The one other option is one we must avoid at all cost: violent confrontation and bloodshed. That would mean the end of the entire White nationalist movement, forever. That said, if you can describe one, only one, different scenario from ORION for the purpose of long range White existence in North America, I would be delighted to know it.

I am aware that partitioning the country could mean, in the minds of some, a patriotic betrayal, whereas in reality it could mean a greater nation than ever. U. S partitioning would give cause to break-away sentiment in Western Canada, in provinces that are land-locked with a strong North-South trading pattern. Large segments of Canada would be available for absorption into the new White nation. With partition there would be territorial loss, principally in the South and South West, but gains in the North would more than compensate, not only in territory but also in resources, combined with riddance of a criminal and dependent element in current American society. This would be the ‘red state’ area of North America, that now favours traditional White values and presumably would favour a White nationalist regime politically. Free of liberal, decadent elements that presently infest the U. S., under a WN regime the new White nation of North America would be more vibrant and powerful than ever before.

The enclosed booklet is intended as a propaganda piece for distribution to potential voters of all races. You will note it has none on the self defeating White supremacist or anti-Semitic, ‘Nazi’ comments usually afflicting White nationalist rhetoric. Although definitely racialist it bases its progam on scientific rationalism and cannot be accused of ‘red-neck’ ignorance on the subject. On the contrary, it is liberal illogic that is illuminated. Additionally, a section on banking gives an understanding in simple language of the money-power that feeds every destructive element of our society, yet seldom mentioned in White nationalist discussions or media. The booklet is available on website http://www.euvolution.com, in booklet formatting and therefore not intelligible until printed, page 2 on the back of page 1, etc. That is because this Internet version is intended as a master, for printing multiple copies on home computers for distribution by an ORION movement. The money power has its media; White nationalism has its numbers that could be just as effective, if used. If every White nationalist downloaded the master to make copies just for family and friends, and especially for street distribution, the movement would snowball exponentially. That is what I am trying to instigate. I have been told many times that email distribution is more efficient. Yes, it is, but the viewer must first have the interest to go to the mentioned website. By this method, with booklets, the message comes to the viewer by distribution at street corners, bus or train stops, etc. It can be literally pushed into a person’s face, although I don’t recommend it. In this era of media hostility against White nationalism our objective must be to persuade the mainstream, not just the friendly. Having a message that addresses all races, not only the White, I believe an ORION Party would have potential to persuade a majority of voters. Eventually racial nationalism would prevail.

You could help by simply mentioning ORION in Occidental Quarterly and giving the Euvolution website address. If that were all there is to spreading ORION I could simply advertise in your magazine. There is much more. If I were American I would not use a Canadian address for replies. I could work with entire legality within the United States. As it is, I cannot. So I must appeal to Americans to take the initiative. That is why I am writing to you directly, not necessarily for your direct involvement but to seek the leaders who might be. That is what I am trying to do, so that the ORION Party will grow from within the United States. I am seeking the P.O. addresses of White nationalist organizations in America that would be interested in participating in an ORION program, that are still extant. These would be approached with an introduction to the program and with the suggestion to nominate willful candidates for leadership of an ORION Party. Once candidates are nominated an Internet election would be held and a leader elected. A speech has been written, now on the Euvolution website, for the elected leader to introduce himself on social media to the White nationalist movement and the world. The party will then be underway.

I know the leaders are there, somewhere. I ask for you help to find them.

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