New Trailer for Virtual-Reality Mario Kart Game Looks Like a Crazy Good Time – The Drive

There are few experiences more satisfying in multiplayer gaming than hurling a perfectly-placed green shell at your friend in Mario Kart.You line up, take aim as you're both hurtling down a straight, and whamo, watch them flip majestically through the air as you zip by underneath. Now imagine all that, but in glorious first-person virtual reality. Count us in.

Bandai Namco has produced several licensed arcade versions of Nintendo's most popular racing series, but its latest creation is no cabinet with a steering wheel. No, Mario Kart Arcade GP VR is a life-sized kart simulator with a tilting, vibrating base, an HTC Vive virtual-reality headset for truly immersive action, and hand trackers so you can actually grab and throw items at your opponents.

We reported on the project when it was announced back in June, but today the game was officially unveiled at Bandai Namco's VR Zone Shinjuku, a huge, virtual-reality arcade complex in Tokyo, Japan. With early reviews starting to trickle in, a new trailer released this week seems to confirm what they've all been sayingit's a rollicking, insanely fun time.

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New Trailer for Virtual-Reality Mario Kart Game Looks Like a Crazy Good Time - The Drive

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