Spring ISD to host informational sessions for parents about district technology – Community Impact Newspaper

In preparation for a remote start to the 2020-21 school year, Spring ISD officials will host informational sessions in both English in Spanish to allow parents and guardians to learn more about the technology and programs that students will be using. (Courtesy Fotolia)

As previously reported by Community Impact Newspaper, Spring ISD's 2020-21 school year will begin remotely Aug. 17 until at least Sept. 11. According to a district news release, each of the 45-minute sessions will allow participants to learn more about Schoology, the district's learning management system, which all students will be using this year to access classes and assignments.

Additionally, district officials will also show participants how to log into the mySpringISD portal to access the Home Access Center, where parents and guardians can track their student's grades, attendance and report cards.

"Whether your student will be learning remotely for the entire school year or coming back on campus for in-person instruction when it's safe to do so, they'll be using Schoology and the Home Access Center. So now is the time to familiarize yourself with these resources," the release reads.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend one of the following sessions via Zoom:

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Spring ISD to host informational sessions for parents about district technology - Community Impact Newspaper

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