10 Tips for Using New Technology to Benefit Your Business – Small Business Trends

Technology is constantly changing the way businesses operate. And while thats a good thing, it can also be a bit tough for small business owners to keep up. But members of the online small business community know what its like to work with changing technology. Here are some tips theyve shared for keeping up.

Some businesses could benefit from using chatbots for certain functions like customer service. But its important to understand how exactly to use the technology before getting started. Marcia Riefer Johnston shares the how and why in this Content Marketing Institute post.

If you want to make more sales for your business, segmenting your audience using your CRM or similar tools can provide a major boost. In this Kissmetrics post, Anthony Capetola explains why youre missing out if youre not already segmenting your audience to increase conversions.

Protecting your data should be a top priority for pretty much every small business owner. And Virtual Data Rooms offer a unique opportunity to keep data safe in the cloud. Ivan Widjaya elaborates in this SMB CEO post.

Additionally, there are a number of other security methods you should consider to keep both your businesss physical and virtual property protected. Sage Singleton lists some of those methods in this post on the CorpNet blog.

When hiring marketing agencies or professionals for your business, you need to be aware of some of the shams out there so you dont end up wasting valuable time and resources. In this Strella Social Media post, Rachel Strella details some of the most common types of shams. And BizSugar members sharethoughts on the post here.

Machine learning can provide some major benefits to businesses. But it can also complicate things when it comes to SEO. Learn more about using SEO in the machine learning world in this Search Engine Journal post by Dave Davies.

Through all the technological advances in recent years, email remains a powerful way for businesses to communicate with customers and prospects. If youre looking to nurture leads by email, take a look at the examples in this SUCCESS Agency blog post by Mary Blackiston.

With so much data out there for businesses to take in, it can be difficult to know where exactly to start. But having a strong starting point is paramount, as Stephen H. Yu outlines in this Target Marketing post. He also shares some tips for making informed data decisions.

Social media platforms like Pinterest have had a major impact on how people communicate and how businesses market their products and services. For more tips on how you can use Pinterest to gain more traffic to your website or blog, check out this MyBlogU post by Ann Smarty.

Of course, Facebook is another social media platform that is evolving rapidly with new technology. To keep engagement high, check out these tips from Rebekah Radice. Then see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.

If youd like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: [emailprotected]

Future Tech photo via Shutterstock

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10 Tips for Using New Technology to Benefit Your Business - Small Business Trends

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