Who is known as the father of yoga? Know history and other details – Republic World – Republic World

The practice of yoga is a physical,mentalandspiritual discipline that has helped andbenefited people across the world to maintaina state of physical and mental well-being. Originally, yoga was introduced in India and later was practicedall over the globe.India hasmany yoga gurus, yoga teachers, who have been travelling the world to teach the art of yoga to millions of people. But did you know, according to religious writings,Lord Shiva was the father of Yoga? Read ahead for more details.

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Lord Shiva is known as Adiyogi Shiva, i.e., the first yogi. According to the scriptures and its teachings, in the yogi culture,Lord Shiva isconsidered as the Adiyogi (the first yogi), Lord Shiva was the father of Yoga. It waspenned about 15 thousand years ago thatShiva reached to the stage of complete wisdom. As the Hindu writings suggest,Lord Shiva went to the Himalayas and because of his happiness, he started dancing. He danced so wildly that he became very fast or still. People were amazed to see that and wanted to learn the secret of this happiness.

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People gathered but Shiva cared the least and didn't stop. However, in the end, only seven people waited.These were thesaptrishis, the seven sages. These saptrishis asked Shiva to teach them about his enlightenment and how to achieve such a pleasurable ecstasy state. But Shiva didnt respond as he was in complete stillness and unaware of the outer world. As time and years passed, yoga was developed and it resulted in modern yoga. Modern yoga includes arange of techniques,asanas(postures) andmeditationderived from some of the philosophies, teachings and practices of the yoga school.

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According to various speculations,Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga.TheYoga Stras of Patajaliare an aphoristic collection of Sanskritsutrason the theory and practice of ancientyoga. These commentaries mentionfollowing twelve postures but provide no details:Padma asana,Veera asana,Bhadra asana,svastika asana,danda asana,sopasraya asana,paryanka asana,kraunchanishada asana,hastanishada asana,ushtranishada asana,samasansathana asanaandsthirasukha asana.TheYoga Sutrasof Patanjali has been a celebrated text for some who practice modern yoga.

In some parts of India,Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also considered as the father of modern yoga. Hewas an Indianyogateacher, ayurvedic healer, and scholar.Krishnamacharya is widely regarded as one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century.

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Who is known as the father of yoga? Know history and other details - Republic World - Republic World

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