Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment – Meditation Music …

There is only one thing ever to point to for your own freedom.

And it's not a thing, it is this moment.

This is where your focus should rest. Not today, not this hour, not this minute nor this second, it is much more simple than that.

It is right now, this very moment. To allow everything to be as it is just now. To let yourself be present with what is right now.

And right now you exist. Right now, there is a feeling of being. In this moment without referring to your thoughts there is this undeniable sense that you are.

Notice this. Not "you are a person" or "your are" anything at all. But simply being. It is indescribable, indefinable, but it is here. If thoughts come, let them come, let them go. If feelings are there let them be. Don't resist anything.

Don't even resist the resistance. Because if you resist this moment, if you think it should be other than it is, then you are at war with this moment. And no matter how hard you try and manipulate your world in this moment to be the way you would like it to be, it will only be the way that it is.

So you either are resting in this moment or you are fighting this moment.

You are living as "is-ness" or your are living as "I want." To be here in and as this moment, or to be lost in your thoughts. You can't have both. Freedom or limitation. This present moment, or your endless commentary about who you think you are, where you have been and where you are going.

Can you let everything be in this moment? Can you stop trying to change and control your world and instead, simply rest with me right now? Just for this second, can you let go and rest in what is here and now?

Continued here:

Teachings on Spiritual Enlightenment - Meditation Music ...

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